
Restorations and Repairs

Famous for non-invasive and artistic restorations, Robertson's repair department is equally adept at perfect bow rehairs, tonal adjustments, and set-ups that bring out the power and subtleties of each instrument.

If you have purchased an instrument from our shop and it is in need of repair, we prefer that our repair specialists do the work. If you would like to set up an appointment or just have a few questions, please call 505.889.2999 or 1.800.284.6546.

Additionally, we accept walk-ins on a daily basis and welcome appointments.

Out of Town Customers

Due to the complexity and uniqueness of each repair, it is not customary to give estimates over the phone. Please send us your instrument or bow and after we examine it, we will call you with an estimate. If you are not sure what work needs to be done, but know your instrument needs maintenance or adjustments, send us your instrument and we will call you with our recommendations. If you have never sent your instrument through UPS, FedEx or Southwest Air Cargo, you can view our Packing and Shipping Instructions and Videos here. Inside the case, include your name, address, phone number, e-mail and detailed instructions of the work you wish to have done. Please call with any questions you may have about shipping your instrument to us.

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